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Our Beliefs

Known Problem:


     There are two types of evil forces in this world.  There are the evils within us, our fallen human nature also known as “The Seven Deadly Sins”, and there are demons, pure evil entities "who prowl around the world seeking the ruins of souls."  Satan, the Devil, is dangerously subtle and so cunning that he has fooled many people into believing that he doesn’t exist.  This allows him to influence our society and culture with ease.  The Evil One knows God.  He knows God is faithful and merciful and that divine grace will never fail us.  To combat God’s gift to us, Satan uses many schemes to deceive us.  His top missions are to block all graces, to distract, to confuse, to feed lies, and to destroy souls. 

     Whenever the Virgin Mary has an occasion to grant her children graces through miracles, you can be sure the Devil will send out his troops to deceive her children by using so-called “intellect” to attack and ridicule anybody who believes in the spiritual world.  His methods are to use "proven" intellectuals to explain away supernatural events without considering the spiritual aspect of the situations, which convinced many of her children to not believe their own eyes and hearts. For example Steuart Campbell reports that the dancing sun at Fatima, which was witnessed by 70,000 people, was not a miracle but a cloud of stratospheric dust that changed the appearance of the sun. 


The Evil one does not only try to block us from conversion and graces, he also tries to attack, infiltrate, and contaminate our work and our society.  A sneaky method of the Devil is to use our fears, our pride, and our society to falsely tell the world that if you believe in the supernatural you are uneducated or unfit to be a part of society. An example of this is shown in the documentary “Expelled- No Intelligence Allowed.”  Ben Stein interviewed professors and scientists who are being ridiculed, denied tenure, and even fired for believing that there might be evidence of an intelligent design.  Despite the Devil's attempts to camouflage his existence and blind people of the spiritual world, God is allowing more manifestations to appear in this world. Click here


Final Words:

     Saint Paul reminds us, “Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.” (Ephesians 6:12).  If only people realized that our fights are not with our brothers or sisters, but instead with our inner demons and the Devil himself, then maybe nation would not "rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom…(Douay-Rheims Bible) ”, and then maybe people would live up to the prayers of Saint Francis of Assisi by making themselves instruments of peace.  Saint Augustine taught about truth and love in his letter 211 (c.424) "Cum dilectione hominum et odio vitiorum", which translates roughly to "With love for mankind and hatred of sins.”  Saint Julian wanted to show God’s mercy to the people when she wrote “God looks on his servant with pity, not with blame.” God’s mercy is infinite.  He continuously wants to rid us of our sins which deform us and chain us down.  As long as we're alive, we are in a spiritual battle with our enemy and our fallen nature. The Devil is real and our sins are undeniable. 

Hope & Solution:

Total Ceonsecration:

     Many Catholics are not aware of these evil and destructive energies.  It is for this reason Queen of Peace would like to spread the good news of Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary and introduce sacramentals and how to use them for protection.  Saint Pope John Paul II took "Totus Tuus" as his papal motto.  These two words express total belonging to Jesus through Mary, stemming from the phrase: “Tuus totus ego sum, et omnia mea tua sunt.” (“I am all Yours, and all that I have is Yours.”)

Consecration to Jesus through Mary and what it can do for us:

     We believe the surest and quickest way to God is by consecrating ourselves totally to Jesus through Mary.  St. John Damascene said, "If I confide in you, Mother of God, I shall be saved.  Under your protection I shall fear nothing.  With your help I shall rout all my enemies.  For devotion to you is a weapon of salvation which God gives to those he wishes to save."  The process of consecration occurs when you have given yourself wholeheartedly, body and soul, to this devotion.  Mary then will make your offering worthy for God by purifying all your good works from every taint of self-love, and any blemishes and defects she may find in them.  She will offer them up with Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.  Jesuit Father Jean-Pierre once said, “You are seeking for secret ways of belonging to God, but there is only one: making use of whatever he offers you. Everything leads you to this union with him. For those who have surrendered themselves completely to God, all they are and do has power."

Interior Battle (with Fallen Human Nature):

     “If I only knew what it is that holds me back, if I could only see the enemy I should not fear to fight him, but I now begin to realize that there is a life within of which I know nothing, that my mind has formed, habits have grown, and strangers have entered and taken possession of my heart and I know them not, neither their nature nor their name.” (B.W. Maturin)


     We as human beings are weak.  We are all sinners; even great saints are sinners.  Saint Therese of Lisieux says, “How happy I am to realize that I am little and weak, how happy I am to see myself so imperfect."  The truth is, human beings can do nothing good in and for themselves.  It is only through the grace of God that we can do any good.  Once we start to recognize the only control we have in our lives is free-will, we will begin to see that life is about choices: the choice to try to do good and the choice to do evil.

The Devil’s Deceptions:

     Sins cause spiritual blindness.  This blindness makes it difficult for us to distinguish light from darkness.  As the darkness deepens in our society, it becomes harder to recognize the black and white in moral situations.  Suddenly, black and white is joined by a grey area.  Morality isn't determined by a person's feelings, but rather by what is right and what is wrong.  To determine what is right and what is wrong, we need to understand the norms of human nature.  Subjective morality has been accepted all over the world where right and wrong is dependent on how you feel and not what is. 

Example #1: Abortion

     In the late 1960s, the Devil influenced many people to believe that the embryo was technically just a “blob of tissue”.  Through human fallen nature, people allowed themselves to be deceived which resulted in many abortions being performed.  As technology evolved, scientists discovered that the “blob of tissue” is an embryo/fetus/baby with human DNA. 


     People had become trapped and chained, and when faced with the truth, searched for any excuse to continue their self deception.  Justification came flying out of pro-choicers’ mouths; selfish reasons like “It’s unfair- I was raped,” or “My job demands I get rid of this baby,” or “My child will be deformed.  It certainly is not fair to me that I should bear such a child into this world.”  You see, the Devil played on people's emotions to steer their attention away from the truth.  Did the truth change people’s mind about abortion?  No. 


     What happened here was the Devil slowly infiltrated the truth with lies.  Like a drug, once we accepted the right to abort, it became tough to let go of the “right”.  The real confusion occurred when the Devil overrode the truth by posing a question of existence, “When does life begin?”  Ladies and Gentleman, this is where we are today.  We have two sides, those who strongly believe that life beings at conception and innocent life should be protected, and another side who are confused with terminology: embryo, fetus, and baby, and believe mothers have the right to block/kill life at a particular stage.  The Devil has created an ideology system that makes people think their aims are to do good, but they end up doing great evil. 

A Call to Love:

     We don’t have to submit ourselves to our fallen human nature and the Devil.  The choice is easy.  Choose love.   We should all go beyond fairness and more towards mercy and love.  We should learn to love our enemy and hate their sins.  And as Saint Francis' prayer goes, we should “not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love.” To love the truth is our defense against ourselves and the Evil One.  All we have to do is to surrender ourselves to Jesus through Mary and choose love.

Introduction to Sacramentals:

Temptations are everywhere.  This world is the Devil’s territory.  “Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour.” (Douay-Rheim Bible)  God knows we are weak and sometimes open to attack.  When we are not at peace the devil can attack us through our weaknesses.  It is for this reason that we would like to introduce you to sacramentals: how to use them for protection and how to channel grace through them.


By using these sacramentals, we are outwardly proclaiming our faith and honoring God.  As a return and through God's mercy, the Virgin Mary and the Saints will intercede for us in our times of need and pray for us for the grace we need to overcome evil.  God gave us these sacramentals as one of the ways graces can be poured onto us.


An example of a popular sacramental is the Benedict Medal.  This medal is said to be used for protection when worn with faith.  By wearing the Benedict medal with faith and devotion, the prayer that is attached to the medal is always being said for you, like a silent prayer.  You can think of it like Saint Benedict himself praying and interceding for you.  With the rise of evil we can see why God had promised Benedict that he would be known until the end of time.


I have come to believe that there is no such thing as coincidence, but divine providence.  Jesuit Father Jean-Pierre once said, “What God arranges for us to experience at each moment is the best and holiest thing that could happen to us. . . .  Every moment we live through is like an ambassador who declares the will of God, and our hearts always utter their acceptance.  We can find all that is necessary in the present moment. . . .  At every moment God's will produces what is needful for the task at hand, and the simple soul, instructed by faith, finds everything as it should be and wants neither more nor less than what it has.”  Why God chooses to introduce to us certain sacramentals is unknown, but we can trust that it was needed at the time he introduced it to us.  I don't know why you are here, but let us tell you what we can do for you….come and explore with us the gifts heaven left behind. Click here

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